Home Family Background Experience


Brad has many years of service on the Hamilton County Council.

“My enthusiasm and commitment to the county have only grown during the past 26 years, and there’s still a lot of work ahead of us. Becoming one of the nation’s best places to live, work and raise a family doesn’t happen by accident. It only happens though efficient and effective leadership,” says Beaver.

“By running for re-election, I intend to continue being that leader for the citizens of Hamilton County.”


What does the Hamilton County Council do?


Funding nonprofit organizations


Funding different agencies


What a great place Hamilton County is!


Ground breaking for the SR 37 project



The backhoe broke so we are doing it by hand


Dedication of the new Logan Street bridge


Brad made it a point to attend all city and town council meetings to talk about current and future projects


Brad meeting with department head and local officials to discuss improvements to the 4-H fairgrounds


Always work to do


Dedicating the solar panels at the Hamilton County Jail (many involved)


Dedicating the solar panels at the Hamilton County Jail (panels in the background)

Copyright © 2020 Brad Beaver
Authorized by Brad Beaver Committee, Trini Beaver, Treasurer
20755 Riverwood Ave, Noblesville, IN 46062